Thursday, December 1, 2011


The hunger for love is much more difficult to remove than the hunger for bread.
- Mother Teresa

Why is it more difficult to remove a hunger for love than the hunger for bread?  Is this why world-wide programs are spending much money and time filling the bellies of those in poverty instead of satisfying the empty hearts and souls?....because it is easier?  A hunger for love is having a strong desire or craving for an intense feeling of deep affection while having a hunger for food is having a strong physical need to feed the body of nourishment.  Love is just as much as a requirement for surviving this harsh world as food.  There are studies which show how babies who were fed with physical nourishment eventually perished, because they were starved of love and nurturing.  What is the point of feeding a stomach if the heart is neglected?

Why is so difficult to love others?  We are called to love in deed and truth (1 John 3:18), so how hard is it to actively listening; give a hug; write a thoughtful note to a friend; buy a coffee for a stranger; give an honest opinion; bring joy to others; live with patience and gentleness; hope for family; pray for friends; forgive a sinner; rejoice in others' accomplishments; and trust?  Loving in deed and truth doesn't take a financial donation either although it might require a sacrifice of time and talent.  Maybe that's the key. Fulfilling a hunger of love within someone else takes a real sacrifice of one-self, and that is were the difficulty lies.

May the grace to love my family, friends, and strangers continue to develop.
May I never give up on loving others no matter how difficult.
Mother Teresa, pray for me.
- little petunia