Wednesday, July 11, 2012


Semplicita is the art of being simple.  Simplicity is being not complex like simple machines or unmixed like Earth's metals.  Living simply means freedom from duplicity; and a pretentious style, diet, and language.  Your lifestyle is clear and plain.   St. Vincent de Paul explained that God is simple.  If we want to become as much like Him as possible, we must strive to become simple in spirit and action, natural in speech and behavior, but most importantly, living without sham or deception.   St. Francis de Sales describes how we can obtain simplicity by fixing our soul's gaze solely on God.  When our soul withdraws into itself in order to concentrate on obeying God's guidance, simplicity leads us to desiring only this and nothing else. As we desire to only please God's will, our souls steal God's heart which is filled with delight.  The key is developing skills in remaining focused on God's guidance in the middle of turbulence.  Many times, we are not in control of our environment, and it can become difficult to remember simplicity when your human instincts are driving you to crazy defensiveness.   How does one respond to turbulence and still remain pure and simple?  Responding in peace can lead to acts of charity.  Charitable inspiration for someone who is causing environmental distress and uncertainty can be difficult, but if we can remain peaceful, then opportunities of kindness may present themselves.  Peacefulness allows the positive energy of the Holy Spirit to flow through while refurbishing souls. 

Simplicity is nothing but an act of charity pure and simple, which has but one sole end, that of gaining the love of God. Our soul is then truly simple, 
when we have no aim at all but this, in all we do.  
-St. Francis de Sales 

One way to learn how to live with simplicity is by recalling how you behaved as a child.  There is a story of how Jesus would visit St. Faustina in the form of a small child.  One time she asked Him why?.....She did not understand because she saw in Him the infinite God and Creator.  Jesus replied that till she learned simplicity and humility, He would continue to commune with her as a child.  Children are happily straightforward with their trust and wonder of God and the mysteries of His creations.  They are not tormented by anxiety, stress, and allegiances; so children are free to obey, respect, love, and explore their surroundings.  Observe the children around you.  Watch the mannerisms and reactions to circumstances.  My favorite mannerism of my children and grandchild to unfavorable events is a simple shrug of their shoulder.  The event appears to be forgotten, and they move onto their next act of exploration. 

Sir Isaac Newton was of the opinion that nature was pleased with simplicity.  When you consider all of the details of nature which are cyclical, interrelated, and dependent, nature appears to be complex on the surface.  As you look closer at the basic chemical reactions and molecular interactions, the processes simply happen over and over again with back up systems in place to recover from stress, drought, or violent turbulence.  Nature moves on and life simply continues.  After a forest fire, the ground appears barren, but without the aid of man, life eventually comes back to the forest.  Ferns are the first plants to grow after a forest fire.  These plants survive by producing a huge network of roots which grip the soil.   Some forests have attributes which keep them from burning during a forest fire like Ponderosa Pine forests unlike Douglas fir forests which burn devastatingly.  Nature simply responds to life events by developing survival characteristics for a period of time, so the circle of life continues. Applying this to our lives, mastering simplicity takes practice till the skill becomes second nature, so we should just mindfully exist every moment of the day........
paying attention to what appears to be insignificant details.  Each of these details are interrelated; and when the moments occur naturally, calmly, peacefully, and patiently, you are existing on a plane of simplicity which you will find pleasing.  

The office of simplicity is to make us go straight to God, without regard to human respect or our own interests.
- St. Vincent de Paul

 I wonder what Albert Einstein meant when he stated that everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler.  Could it be that if explanations are too simple then truth is lost?  Truth leads to knowing what unnecessary elements to eliminate for the reduction of chaos.   By reducing clutter and increasing simplicity, you can focus more clearly on what problems need to be solved and how positive productive communication can lead to solutions.   To find truth, follow God's Word and Will.   Detachment from your wants and leaning on God's Will for your path in life should eliminate complexities and lead to happiness.   Simplicity is not a fraction of grace to be lived.  It is a way of grace to be lived wholly in such aspects as humility, intellect, silence, compassion,  prayer, forgiveness, and gratitude. 


God's Word + His will
FOCUS (Communication)  +   Detachment     CHAOS  =  SIMPLICITY 

                                                                                                            TRUTH    +    Happiness

 May every sunrise bring me closer to a path of simplicity,
and may every sunset forgive my lack of trust in God's will. 
May the Archangels St. Michael and St. Raphael continue to protect
and travel near me as I walk my God given path.  
St. Francis De Sales, pray for my written word to be inspired by God's Word. 
St. Theresa the little flower, pray for my small efforts in simplicity.
St. Florian, pray for the safety of all fire fighters.
St. Benedict, St. Cosmas, & St. Damian pray for the health of Bernardette. 
She needs a healthy kidney.
St. Jude, pray for impossible cases.  Amen.
- little petunia

St. Benedict, patron saint for kidney disease