Sunday, February 26, 2012


Inspiration can come from different sources like artwork; writings of the Church fathers; walking in the woods; quotes of the Saints; conversations with friend or foe; taking a nap; the random words of a child; or music.  God speaks to us all of the time; and we will sense his inspiring guidance if we are tuned-in to the notions of His Spirit and the motions of His angels.  John Philip Sousa admitted once that any composer who is gloriously conscious that he is a composer must believe that he receives his inspiration from a source higher than himself.  We must also realize that our lives are orchestrated by God who devises each epiphany with developed arpeggios and simple stanzas.  Our control creates interference with our reception of God's guidance.

Today when my spirit was in a low due to physical and emotional circumstances, God spoke to me from a hundred and twenty-eight year old daily reading book. Even a book from a different era had inspiring words for my soul.  Sometimes, I randomly open the book to a page, but this afternoon, I opened the book to February 26.  The following was the entry from Daily Strength for Daily Needs by Mary W. Tileston:

  • I sought the Lord, and He heard me, and delivered me from all my fears.        - Psalm 34:4
  • Be Thou, O Rock of Ages, nigh!
    So shall each murmuring thought be gone;
    And grief and fear and care shall fly,
    As clouds before the mid-day sun.              - C. Wesley
  • Take courage, and turn your troubles, which are without remedy, into material for spiritual progress.  Often turn to our Lord, who is watching you, poor frail little being as you are, amid your labors and distractions.  He sends you help, and blesses your afflictions.  This thought should enable you to bear your troubles patiently and gently, for love of Him who only allows you to be tried for your own good.  Raise your heart continually to God, seek His aid, and let the foundation stone of your consolations be your happiness in being His.  All vexations and annoyances will be comparatively unimportant while you know that you have such a friend, such a Stay, such a Refuge.  May God be ever in your heart.
                                                                                                        - St. Francis De Sales

 Reading these words made my heart vibrate and my skin tingle.  I knew irrevocably that God had heard my words this morning during mass.  He understood the message of my prayers.  The entry in the daily reading was exactly what I needed to hear in that moment, and He delivered me from another day of vexations and annoyances.  My heart registered the inspirational notes with appreciation of His stanzas of tempo. Hope was recharged.

May I always be prepared to receive God's inspirations.
May St. Raphael hold my hand as he prays for my healing and guides me along God's will.
May God bless my family with miraculous grace and mercy.
St. Theresa the Little Flower and Mother Teresa pray for me.
Thank you Jesus!

- little petunia

Thursday, February 23, 2012

se solo

How many times have you asked yourself, "If only I knew."....."If only I had made a different choice."....."If only I had been more patient."........"If only I had paid closer attention.".........And why do we ask this question? Is it regret? disappointment? confusion? hurt feelings? humiliation? misunderstanding? What led us to this point? It was trust. TRUST is a little word with big meaning. TRUST is a cornerstone to a variety of relationship foundations. TRUST leads to hope which energizes actions of love. 

As time passes, choices and selfish motivations chisel away at the foundation of a relationship, and the pillars of TRUST which held up the relationship weaken. In this weakened state, a relationship can crumble. Sometimes, a crumbling relationship returns to dust, but then there are those relationships which are repaired, and the pillars are replaced.

As soon as you trust yourself, you will know how to live.
- Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
When a relationship fails was it due to the lack of TRUST in one of the parties or God? Maybe the crumbling pillars was due to a lack of TRUST in oneself.   Writers for , Larry Wayne and Grace Johnston, explain that when someone has TRUST (confidence) within them, then a positive energy quiets doubt, fear, worry, and negative expectations. Positive energy can have a profound effect on a person and the people around them. They believe that if one doesn't TRUST oneself, then he or she won't TRUST others, and this can then attract untrustworthy people and situations. As TRUST falls away, irritation can pile up which then seems to create more cracks to a relationship.  Carl Jung, a psychologist, once stated that everything that irritates a person about others can lead to an understanding of maybe if irritations are used a learning tool about individual weaknesses and strengths, then possibly the rebuilding of the pillars of TRUST can occur.  

Time is always a factor especially when middle age creeps up. When TRUST has been broken, it can never be rebuilt fast enough.  Aeschylus, a Greek playwright, once wrote that time brings all things to pass, so with this in mind, maybe time can be a friend by continuously providing opportunities for growth and repair.  It takes time to recharge a battery.  It takes time for the body to repair and grow as one sleeps.  It takes time for a savings account to earn significant interest. It takes time to raise children into healthy adults. If we TRUST our instincts, abilities, and choices through time, then just maybe we will attract TRUST back into our broken relationships.

St. Raphael, guide me through time to trust myself.
St. Francis de Sales, pray for my honorable intentions in my state of life.

Blessed Teresa of Calcutta, pray for my family.
St. Florian pray for the safety of all fire and emergency responders.

 - little petunia