Sunday, April 29, 2012

Per sapere qualcosa di me

Sometimes I wonder where my life has taken me.....? 
Sometimes I wonder have I fulfilled the world's expectations....?
But I still keep walking and walking.......
Realizing that life is still a mystery.

Bet you didn't know black shadows followed me.....
Lurking around unanticipated corners...
Pulling me down into the dark waters....
The voice I hear gives I float.....
Only temporarily fixing me, because I haven't let go....

Everything had looked like dreams which couldn't come true....
It hasn't always been easy to be calm when something disturbs me....
I have slowed down, taken my time, thought a lot, and prayed incessantly....
Being thankful for unspoken graces of yesterday;
                                        blessings for today; and
                       tomorrow's hopes.
Some dreams haven't come true.......But a soul's dream can change.

All the times that I've cried......
Sometimes quiet tears.....
Sometimes loud........

Hard to ignore all of the pain....
Trust and love can be a  lowdown dirty game....
Back up against a wall.....
Which choice brings a silver lining to my cloud?

Youth was my fool's inexperience....
Fear brought turmoil and frustrations.....
Feelings unidentified.....
Built misinterpretations of involvement.
Lost in my cobwebs.........
Misunderstandings distort truths to lies....
Not communicating soulful visions mixes perspectives, but......
Contrition builds trust....bringing truth out of the lies.

"Ba de ya, say do you remember....Ba de ya, dancing in September..."
Earth, Wind, and Fire

Striving towards the winds of the night....
For that is where I will one day take flight....
I never stopped hearing the words of advice.
Soulfully replaying their meaning....
Night's dreams don't end only bend.......
Anytime in my prayers, I stay long after then........
Faithfully hoping for bountiful dreams of loved ones........
Seen and unseen......On winds of the night, Graces fall like rain.

- little petunia, 4/29/12
(based loosely on old words & Boz Skaggs)

 St. Francis de Sales, pray for my passions.
St. Theresa the little flower, pray for my humility.
St. Pio, pray for the genuine faith of my seen and unseen friends and family.
St. Florian, pray for the safety of all fireman and emergency responders.
Mother Mary, please take the unspoken prayers of my heart to your son.
Thank you God for life's lectures and friendly advice.
Jesus, heal me.
Holy Spirit, inspire me.
St. Raphael the Archangel, pray for me.
May Heaven's Angels watch over Aunt Lorene as she awaits Heaven's Gate.   -Amen.

Monday, April 9, 2012


Perception or perspective? The question reminds me of a riddle….Which came first, the chicken or the egg? Do we perceive before a perspective is created or does a perspective lead to a certain perception? With my amateur level of reasoning, I hypothesize that both happens in a cyclical manner. A writer for Globalmindshift states that behind every action is a perception, and behind every perception is a perspective. To perform better actions, we not only need to develop more accurate perceptions, but also evaluate the adequacy of the perspectives which are produced from our perceptions.  I interpret this as meaning that better beliefs lead to more effective actions. 

                             Perception              Perspective

By definition, a perception is a process by which sensory information is received and interpreted by the brain.  Sensory information is gathered by the five senses and stored as memories. Perceptions are created by images, odor, sounds, taste, and touch. In any given setting or circumstance, our brains are collecting data in order for us to efficiently evaluate our environment to make the appropriate responses. Sometimes,  we are not aware of our senses picking up on stimuli, but we do have the capability of influencing how we evaluate our surroundings. Some people are blessed with more keen skills at listening and observing, but we all can train our senses with a little consistent effort.  Efficient neurological processing of perceptions lead to more accurate impressions. Perceptions can lead to intuition, insight, and knowledge. 

Perspectives are the impressions developed by perceptions, and allow us to look at a situation or object in relationship to the surroundings. These impressions are viewpoints which unfortunately can become permanent, but for a soul to grow and develop with the changing times, it is more effective to be able to make internal shifts in perspectives.  Internal shifting is also known as thinking or looking outside the box. Shifting a perspective allows for a change in understanding of a person or situation which leads a change in our understanding; and brings on tolerance and respect for the circumstances of other people. The result is a multidimensional viewpoint.  Susanna Bil, a design and social researcher, expresses that it can be difficult to embrace other perspectives due to our values and comfort zone. Questioning whether your perspective may be wrong or not applicable to situations can be hard to swallow because we are comfortable with how we see things should happen or play out.  Changing perspectives might mean that we will need to do things differently and that would take effort and work.  Work requires a force acting over a distance. Change can hurt because you must force yourself to think in a different manner in order to produce different actions and this takes practice over and over.  Shifting perspectives may take a community effort, but the change still boils down to each individual person making the change themselves. 

Each perspective has its strengths, and it is by seeing these strengths in juxtaposition to each
other that we have the greatest chance of being able to find ways to combine
the best of each into an ultimately more satisfying synthesis.
James L. McClelland- cognitive scientist

The next time you are in a dilemma, disagreement, or misunderstanding; and are having a hard time finding a resolution, take the opportunity to evaluate your perceptions and current perspectives. You may be due for an overhaul. Don't get stuck in a rut by thinking that it's your way or the highway.  There is always a variety of paths one can travel to arrive at the desired destination.  Shifting perspectives is refreshing; ignites enlightenment; and initiates creativity and wholesome communication.  You will be able to read emails and texts without automatically thinking the worst.  I am in complete agreement with Dr. Wayne Dyer when he recommends, “Change the way you look at things and the things you look at change.”

May God's wisdom guide our perceptions and perspectives towards love, charity, and compassion.
May we all be driven more by the patience and understanding of others' perspectives. 
May we all have the courage to admit our perceptions may be out of whack.
St. Jude, pray for our situations of impossible misunderstandings. Amen.- little petunia

Saturday, April 7, 2012


April is a month full of and friends. Today is my youngest daughter's birthday.  She is eleven. Her birth was a highlight of my faith growth, but also a faith testing experience.  She is a beautiful young lady......I can't call her a little girl anymore......She has a china doll complexion like her Gma Strom; a vivacious and positive attitude; a motivation to be the best she can be; and a personality all her own.  Like each of my children, she is a gift and a blessing. May she always stay young and happy at she will have the stamina to take care of me when I am old..... :-)  
Youth is happy because it has the ability to see beauty.
Anyone who keeps the ability to see beauty never grows old.
-Franz Kafka

A birth is not only a beginning of a new life, but it is an opportunity of renewed hope and faith. Each passing birthday should be a reminder of pass blessings, and should provide a renewed sense of hope for blessings to come. As Sammy Hagar says, "Every year on your birthday, you get a chance to start new."  Even though each year passes faster and faster as the days and evenings become filled with challenges and unexpected events, birthdays should be joyful events celebrating a person's accomplishments.  All accomplishments are worth rejoicing no matter how big or small. Accomplishments could even be things learned the hard way, but any gain of wisdom is a positive step towards improving a soul. Pope John XXIII once stated that men are like wine because despite how some turn to vinegar, the best improve with age.  Sprinkles of faith, crumbs of hope, and dashes of charity between birthdays can keep anyone from turning to vinegar.

 Grow old along with me! The best is yet to be, the last of life, for which the first was made.
- Robert Browning

To all of  my family members and friends who have already added one more candle to their birthday cake and to those who with anticipation will be adding one more candle later in the year, may your hearts be filled with joy, peace, and love. Remember the wisdom of Mark Twain who once commented that age is an issue of mind over matter, because if you don't mind, then it doesn't matter. Your age doesn't matter to me for each of you are blooming flowers in my winter seasons.

May the Archangels, Saints, and Mother Mary pray for my loved ones' health and happiness.  Spirit of Jesus, enter their souls. May we all keep laughing.  Amen.     
                                    - little petunia


Friday, April 6, 2012

Vivere la tua fede

 All bribery and injustice will be blotted out, but good faith will stand for ever.
- Sirach 40

 The current state of affairs of our country is in a flux.  Times could change for the bad, or times could ignite a fire under the faith of Christians to bring about a strong united front against evil.  It is time for faiths to jump off the fence of belief to be converted to action....the action of Truth. There are political topics which have been skewed for the benefit of the few and for delusional motivated sacrifices...." not put your faith in wrongly motivated sacrifices." (Sirach 35)  Fear can no longer keep the faithful quiet.....bonding them to quiet sin.  Being aware of cultural sin and not speaking up or taking action is just adding to the pile of sin. If a Christian boasts of having faith, then there should be no fear for Yahweh is their strength, song, and salvation (Isaiah 12).

This country was founded on Christians beliefs and religious freedoms.  Religious freedom is one of the basic foundations of our country's Bill of Rights

        THE Conventions of a number of the States, having at the time of their adopting the
        Constitution, expressed a desire, in order to prevent misconstruction or abuse of its powers,
        that further declaratory and restrictive clauses should be added: And as extending the ground
       of public confidence in the Government, will best ensure the beneficent ends of its institution.

         Amendment I
        Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free  
        exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people
        peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

The current political status quo is threatening the religious freedom of all Christian faiths in this country.  Read the facts for yourself. Don't believe what you hear in the news or the words of each politician.  "Do not put your faith in delusive words." (Jeremiah 7)......."Their tongue is a deadly arrow, their words are in bad faith; with his mouth each wishes his neighbor peace, while in his heart plotting a trap for him."  (Jeremiah 9).   Meditate, live your faith, pray, and take action. Speak up for the TRUTH.  "....your faith should depend not on human wisdom but on the power of God" (1 Corinthians 2).
"Open the gates! Let the upright nation come in, the nation that keeps faith!"
Isaiah 26

If speaking out against evil, wrongful sacrifices, and lies is not your gift from our heavenly Father, then PRAY for we have been told that if our faith is the size of a mustard seed, then we will say to this mountain, "Move from here to there," and it will move; nothing will be impossible for us (Matthew 17), and if we have faith, then everything we ask for in prayer...we will receive (Matthew 21).  All Christians must PRAY for truth, love, hope, charity, peace, and freedom......We must PRAY for God's Wisdom and TRUTH to infiltrate our government's policies in order for true FREEDOM, CHARITY, and LOVE to prevail......and in order to prevent misconstruction or abuse of governmental powers (Preamble).   

 But as we have the same spirit of faith as is described in scripture -- I believed and therefore I spoke -we, too, believe and therefore we, too, speak.  - 2 Corinthians 4

We must be courageous in our faith. Now is not the time to be meek. If it is God's will for you to speak, then speak out against the evil in our politicians' attempts to govern the people with their own agendas instead for the good of the whole community of our nation.   "Be vigilant, stay firm in the faith, be brave and strong"  (1 Corinthians 16).  Daily put on the armor of God, and always carry the shield of faith, so that you can use it to quench the burning arrows of the Evil One (Ephesians 6).  We need to stand firm in our faith and action; and united in Spirit in order to battle as a team with a single mind and purpose for the faith of the Gospel (Philipians 1:27).  The battle may lead to events and circumstances which challenge our faith; and lead to martyrdom, but the freedom and TRUTH of Christianity are at stake.  We must remember that there is life after death, and sacrifice leads to stronger and steadfast love, hope, and faith. Sacrifice is LOVE of our neighbor.  Selfish desires do not lead to TRUTH. Now is not the time to just hope for the best.....We must take action through the power of the HOLY SPIRIT.

May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in your faith, so that in the power of the Holy Spirit, you may be rich in hope.
- Romans 15

We remember before our God and Father how active is the faith, how unsparing the love, how persevering the hope which you have from our Lord Jesus Christ. 
1 Thessalonians 1

May the Archangels, Mother Mary, and the Saints pray for the TRUTHFUL and LOVING intentions of the citizens of our country; and pray for our political leaders to hear and follow God's wisdom. Amen.
- little petunia

Come te

When left alone to our own devices, enjoying our own company can be a challenge, but why?  Being by ourselves in a quiet house should allow peace and joy to reign, but instead, we feel lonely and sadness sets in our hearts.  Dr. Wayne Dyer, a motivational speaker and author, states that we are only lonely if we don't like the person we're alone with. Wow!....what a bold statement! We don't like ourselves?!  Could this be true? How many of us are in denial?