Monday, August 6, 2012

Casi Impossibili

Casi impossibili are those situations which seem to have no positive resolution.  It is believed that nothing good can come from impossible cases.  Despair and desperation are the usual results from sustained "lost cause" situations.  Examples of such situations could involve financial matters, grave health matters, or broken relationships.  You would know if you have experienced an impossible case for you never forget the breathlessness........the smack of hitting rock bottom.........the pain of no light at the end of the tunnel......the overwhelming dizziness.  No matter how prepared your faith is for hardship.....An impossible case leaves you dazed.....with a "deer in the headlights" expression.........., yet there is always hope that a miracle could happen.

 “When a distinguished but elderly scientist states that something is possible, he is almost certainly right.  When he states that something is impossible, he is very probably wrong.”
- Arthur C. Clarke's First Law
(inventor of the communications satellite & author of 2001: A Space Odyssey)
Miracles are events which defy the laws and theories of science.  Since the occurrences can not be explained logically, skeptics assume that miracles are fake, but what skeptics forget is that scientific laws are man's interpretation of the natural world around him.  Scientific laws change as new discoveries are made; tests are replicated; and consistent data is collected over and over again.  Systematic investigations seem to eventually explain supernatural phenomena, but as a spiritually faithful Christian student of science, I don't believe miracles need to be explained logically.  The mystical purpose of miracles is to increase levels of hope, faith, and trust in God; and this mystery plus the science behind miracles dilute the word "impossible".  

“A science which does not bring us nearer to God is worthless.”

- Simone Weil, mystic

.....But back to impossible cases........There really are impossible situations or relationships which may have no positive resolution due to a lack of cooperation or participation from involved parties.   Instead of these cases having win-win resolutions, there is only lose-lose or maybe one person keeps themselves from losing while the other parties are sent down a black hole of oblivion.   Constructive communication is imperative to alter impossible relationship cases to a win-win scenario.  Pride, stubbornness, and personal agendas must be decreased and a sense of partnership adopted.  If this does not occur, then the relationship is doomed to be labeled an "impossible case" for eternity.  If someone doesn't desire to change or grow for the good of a relationship, then the relationship is definitely a bona fide impossible case.  Destructive patterns of behavior will continue.  Miracles are not observed if someone doesn't allow the mystical part of nature to work within them self matter how many prayers are lifted up.  Reforming an impossible relationship involves individual souls making a difference within themselves as they make a difference in their partnership. This is an action of love, and the healing power of love is a miracle.

“The trouble is that everyone talks about reforming others and no one thinks
about reforming himself.”

- St. Peter of Alcantara
(Spanish mystic and founder of the barefooted Friars Minor; 1499-1562)

St. Francis de Sales, pray for my patience.

St. Therese the little flower, pray for my little actions.

St. Florian, pray for all firefighters and emergency responders.

St. Pio, please pray for the miraculous healing of a friend's wife.
St. Jude, the miraculous saint, please pray for the impossible case of my life which causes me to despair.

- little petunia

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