Friday, July 22, 2011


Until you know that life is interesting - and find it so - you haven't found your soul.  ~Geoffrey Fisher........
Most of us have lived long enough to find that life is interesting even if it is not all of the time.  The things in life which can make it interesting stem from interactions with our environment.  Since souls do not exist in our environments, but within our bodies.....what is the connection of finding our souls to the details of our lives?

To find our souls, don't we need to understand what it is first?  The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines a soul as being the spiritual principle embodied in human beings or the universe while also being the moral and emotional nature of human beings which arouses sentiment.  W.M. Paul Young, author of The Shack, states that emotions are the colors of the soul. According to Aristotle, the soul is the capacity of a living thing to engage in the activities that are characteristic of its natural kind.  He described the activities as being related to growth and development; locomotion and perception; and intellect which pretty much sums up the details of our lives.....well except for the routines of dealing with traffic jams, female drama, neighbors, laundry, grocery shopping, pesky rodents, uncooperative students, and neglectful spouses.  Could it be that the soul can determine how individuals interact with their environments to create interesting and colorful lives?  How does the soul arouse sentiment to the interactions?

Questions, questions, questions......more research, meditation and prayer may never lead me to the answers that I am looking for about what souls are.....but may be that is the problem......I am looking for I know what I am looking for.....

Despite my weak understanding of l'anima, I think I will rely on eight Greek word concepts to help my soul's capacity to arouse sentiment to my environment: 

     1) Faith (pistis) - firm conviction linked to genuine trust
     2) Courage (tharseo) - cheerful confidence and boldness in the face of fear
     3) Overcome (nikao) - victory by upholding the principles of righteousness, justice, and fairness
     4) Patience (hupomone) - ability to not give in to the powers of situation over ourselves through
                                                          endurance and perseverance

     5) Royal (basileion) - being wise (prudent, learned, philosophical, and enlightened)
     6) Living Sacrifice (Zosan Thusian) - dying to oneself  (putting others before ourselves)
     7) Slow Down (bradus kato) - keep a slower pace than the world in order appreciate the small simple
                                                                  things of life

     8) Thanks (eucharistia) - being grateful and cheerful

My understanding of  "l'anima" will just have to bloom as my interesting life becomes more colorful. Through faith, I will have the courage to overcome my life's busy activities while being patient and wise with the details that are out of my influence.  I will continue to be thankful for the blessings and graces which God has bestowed upon me.....especially the ones which don't appear to be blessings in the beginning.  With perseverance, I will continue to slow down in order to appreciate my interactions with others; and I will do better at being a  living sacrifice for my family and dear friends along with others whom I do not know as well.  After all of this interaction, I just may be able to know my soul.......even if I don't understand it.


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