Saturday, July 23, 2011

What kind of soul are you?

At one time or another, I am sure that we all have evaluated ourselves on which virtues we have acquired and our personality type. Have you ever thought about your soul type, and is there really a difference amongst souls? I would like to think that due to the unique interactions which each soul deals with in its environment all souls become unique overtime. I also think that each soul has the capacity to achieve greatness.....or holiness. An American evangelist, D.L. Moody, once stated that like lighthouses, a holy life will make the deepest impression. Lighthouses don't blow horns, they just shine.  

So how does your soul shine?  What kind of colorful impression does your make?  Take the following unscientific quizzes for fun to initiate your soulful evaluation:

The Soul Types

Soul Type Focus Traits
Helper Service Dedication, stoicism
Caregiver Nurturing Empathy, loyalty
Educator Teaching Erudition, eloquence
Thinker Knowledge Restraint, rationality
Creator Creativity Sensitivity, idealism
Performer Communication Passion, playfulness
Hunter Activity Determination, practicality
Leader Authority Charisma, wisdom
Spiritualist Improvement Compassion, spirituality
Transformer Unity Inspiration, love
Excerpted from The Instruction by Ainslie MacLeod

There are many "experts" in this field of "soulology" and a lot of varied descriptions of soul types, so as you evaluate your soul remember to use your own discriminative intellect, beliefs, and intuition to develop your conclusions. The process is only to help you to decide if you are on the correct path of God's intended purpose for you.  

For we are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do (Ephesians 2:1).

When I took the quizzes, I found that they were not 100% accurate with who I know I am, but probably, it is difficult to guage or predict the wide variety of uniqueness to souls. Not every soul fits into a box neatly.

It does amaze me how the experts of "soulology" have come up with the different categories of souls.  Where and how did they research this information?  Was it a scientific study, enlightenment, or intuition?  Either way, I find the categories interesting. Although, I am not a true disciple of the discipline. 

Daily, I will continue the quest for the light of my soul to shine.  May you do the one day, you make a virtuous and colorful impression! 

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