Tuesday, August 9, 2011

My Ransomed Soul He Is Leading

The King of love my sheperd is,
whose goodness fails me never;
I nothing lack if I am his,
And He is mine forever.

How many times will I need to be reminded of His unfailing love? Seven times seventy?  God is the King of love and He desires so deeply for His children to search and find this truth.....to live this truth.  For if we lived the truth of His undying love for us, then we would never desire the love of worldly objects and actions. God's undiminishing love empowers, so why do I not anchor myself to His love.  He has always been housed in my heart. His love is in my heart.  Why do I forget or avoid His love?  Why do I make love so hard to achieve?   My ignorance is harder to understand than finding the goodness of His love. If only my heart would be satisfied with His overflowing love, then maybe my heart would be content with my love blessings.

Where streams of living water flow
my ransomed soul he is leading
And where the verdant pastures grow
With food celestial feeding.

Flowing streams bring living water to God's creations.  Living water sustains and nourishes like God's love.  Daily God leads my restless heart to Him.  My restless heart searches for Him....searches for His love....only I forget that He is already within me. No matter how far down the stream I may travel, His love resides within my heart.....with every beat.....with every water fall.

When the power of a flowing stream encounters the landscape's rock and soil, it will be the stream's living water that conquers....not through strength, but by persistent compassion.  God's love perseveres through every bend of my path......every challenge, every accomplishment, every fear, every joy, every disappointment,.......and with every drop of a tear.  If only I would allow His love to feed my soul....to refresh my soul.....when it has fallen in the pasture.  God's love is the only food which can refresh my soul and empower my heart to embrace my love blessings.

Confused and foolish oft I strayed,
But yet in love he sought me;
And on his shoulder gently laid,
And home, rejoicing, brought me.

My ignorance of  God's persevering love for me is born of an inability to love myself.....an inability to accept that I am worthy of His love......which is so foolish for His Holy Presence has been within me since He breathed my soul into my heart.....since He breathed His empowering Love into my being.  God's home is my heart.....if only my soul would accept the gentle nudge of His love to lay within His loving embrace,....so I could fully rejoice in my love blessings.

Sono disperata senza di te.
I am desperate for you. 
Io sono perso con te.
I am lost without you.
Il tuo amore mi giunge.
Your love reaches me. 
Vi porterà la mia anima riscattati.
You lead my ransomed soul.
Ti amo.
 - pamela, the little petunia

Hymn Reference:  The King of Love My Shepherd Is; Psalm 23; Henry W. Baker
                         Tune: St. Columbia 8787; Gaelic Downside Abbey
                         Harmony by A. Gregory Murray, OSB 1904-1992

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