Sunday, August 28, 2011


To see a world in a grain of sand
And a heaven in a wild flower
Hold infinity in the palm of your hand
And eternity in an hour
William Blake (from Auguries of Innocence, c.1800)
      What a sentiment!  To see and understand the world from a grain of sand.  How about a grain of stardust?  Having stardust in your eyes is considered being unrealistically optimistic.  Why is it unrealistic to be optimistic?  Aren't we all called to look on the bright be matter what the circumstances?
     King David wrote in Psalms 31:24 to be of good courage, and He shall strengthen your heart, all ye that hope in the Lord. Is it unrealistic to desire strength for the daily trials we encounter?  We need strength to survive our world which we seek to understand.  Strength provides a capacity to manifest the energy required to resist negative thoughts and actions.  The energy from our spiritual strength leads to the power of courageous confident acts of love.  Optimism supports our faith as life beats us down.  Looking for the stardust will keep hope afloat while blessings are being delivered.  Oscar Wilde once stated that what seems to us as bitter trials are often blessings in disguise. Without the stardust in our eyes, would we ever notice the blessings bestowed upon us? 
     The spacecraft STARDUST which was launched in 1999 held a mission of retrieving dust from the traveling Wild 2 comet.  The sampling of stardust retrieved by the spacecraft surprisingly showed evidence that the comet was a mixture of materials made by conditions of both "fire and ice."   One particular material was an amino acid which is a building block of life, so it seems that our existence is dependent upon the heavenly bodies of our solar system.  We are formed from stardust, and our spiritual energies are transformed by the "fire and ice" of our experiences.....the paths we travel.....the choices we make. 
     Life can be extreme, and our responses may either hinder our existence....thrusting us into a black hole, or may support our souls .....creating spiritual vigor. Choosing to be optimistic.....hoping for deliverance from our pain, sorrow, and suffering.....fuels positive responses in others.  A happy spirit has healing power, and can be contagious.....but we must have it within us first.  "A cheerful heart is good medicine." - Proverbs 17:22.

May the love hidden deep inside your heart find the love waiting in your dreams. May the laughter that you find in your tomorrow wipe away the pain you find in your yesterdays.”
- author unknown

I HOPE that all my dearest loved ones whom reside in "mo chride" always remain optimistic even through the darkest hours.
May I listen to my own advice.

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