Sunday, August 28, 2011


 Amore..........Love.........What is it? 
     Many people have opinions about love.  The scientist, Albert Einstein, once stated that gravity was not responsible for people falling in love, but then R. Buckminster Fuller, the engineer and humanitarian, claimed that love is metaphyscial gravity.  Others claim that love is related to nature.  Victor Hugo, a literary politician, stated that love is the honey made from flowers.  Kahlil Gibran, a Lebanese poet, related love to the blossoms and fruit produced by trees.  Relating to art, Voltaire, a French writer, described love as being a canvas furnished by nature and embroidered by imagination.  Thomas Carlyle, a Scottish historian and philosopher, wrote that a loving heart is the beginning of all knowledge. Even children have their own thoughts about love.  A five year old girl admitted that she thought love is when mommy gives daddy the best piece of chicken; and a four year old boy described love to be when you smile even though you're really tired.

     Grammatically, love is both a noun and a verb.  Love is a tangible emotion. It is something which we can hold. It is something which we should give away.  Love is action.  It inspires.  It warms the soul.  According to a well-used college dictionary/thesaurus, LOVE is........ 
  • tender
  • passionate
  • deep
  • affectionate
  • desiring
  • profound
  • a term of endearment
  • devoting
  • a fondness
  • reverent
  • respectful
  • adoring
  • steadfast
  • loyal
  • intense
  • enduring
  • patient
  • persistent
  • consistent
  • calming
  • fulfilling
  • exhilarating
  • motivating
  • natural
  • a feeling
  • an addiction
  • a chemical response
  • attracting
  • a gift
  • infinite
  • giving
  • friendly
  • inspiring
  • pleasuring
  • sacrificing
  • timeless
  • romantic
  • a grace
  • intimate
  • joyful
  • sexual
  • relating
  • satisfying
  • hopeful
  • yearning
  • changing
  • courageous
  • supporting
  • familiar
  • irresistable
  • forgiving
  • worldly
  • energetic
  • communication
  • unselfish
  • honest
  • ethical
  • charitable
  • merciful
     Can LOVE really be all of the above all of the time in every situation for every person? ......Of course not.....but is love more than sex and romance?......YES!.......Meditate on the above words and pay attention to the ones which have had meaning for you.  Open yourself to learning and experiencing love in ways you may never have dreamed possible.  Think about loving others besides your significant other and your mother. What does it feel like to love your enemy?  
     To me, LOVE is simplicity.  Love simply shared will be simply received.  No matter who the recipient of our love
...friend or foe........spouse or sister........Leo Buscaglia, a teacher and author, said it simply......."We don't love to be loved; we love to love."  We must also LOVE ourselves to truly love others. Dr. Wayne Dyer, describes how we can not give what we do not have.  LOVE is food for the soul, and I agree with St. Augustine for he wrote that LOVE is the beauty of the soul.

LOVE is meraviglioso!

For it was not into my ear you whispered, but into my heart.
It was not my lips you kissed, but my soul.

- Judy Garland

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