Sunday, September 11, 2011

Honorable Memories

Today is the anniversary of a day of adversity....a day with honorable memories.  This is a difficult topic to write about because it involves sorrow and loss.  Sorrow produces different types of responses from those who experience it.  This morning, while watching the family members at the 9/11 dedication speak the names of those who died ten years ago, it is clear that sorrow remains close to the surface of their hearts.  From personal experience, sorrow never really goes away, but the grief from losing a loved one can subside if we let it go. In the book of Sirach (chapter 30), wisdom is expressed, "Give your cares the slip, console your heart, chase sorrow far away; for sorrow has been the ruin of many, and is no use to anybody."  From Jeremiah (chapter 8), it is described how incurable sorrow can overtake a heart and cause it to fail. 

No matter how our loved ones died.....I do not believe that our loved ones who remain with us in spirit desire for our hearts....our spirits.... to fail.  In honorable memory, our souls need to carry on with positive uplifting hope and faith. The void in our hearts which is created from the loss of a loved one can be filled with LOVE.  We need to allow the people around us to love us.  We need to reach out even though we are not in the mood, and love others through charity, compassion, and understanding.  To fill real deep holes of sorrow in your heart....the kind of sorrow that injures your soul..., try loving your enemy....your adversary...It is not an easy thing to do, but forgiveness is a powerful healing tool of love.

These words are written with great respect.  I do not pretend to have the answers to sorrow's calling, but I do send my love out to those who suffer from a loss. My prayers go out to anyone who has experienced a death of a loved one.  May the honorable memories of our loved ones inspire our souls to carry on with love, hope, and faith.  May our actions of love smother others' actions of intolerable hate.  May terrorism and violence (actions and words) be one day extinguished from this world.  May LOVE and FORGIVENESS reign in all of our hearts and souls.  May St. Florian's prayers keep all fire fighters safe as they  fight fires, and may St. Michael protect all First Responders.

St. Raphael guide us through our endeavors of healing and love. Grazie to those who instinctively and courageously give their lives for others. You are loved.   - little petunia

Sorrow's Bane - Ed Schmidt
Love is the one thing
That keeps our spirits whole
When Sorrow comes a knocking
With hurts that touch our soul

When our world falls around us
Darkness fills our dreams
It’s love that lifts our spirits
Bridging Sorrow's streams

Love calls us from the brink
Of being swallowed by the stream
Dispels depression
And warms us in it’s gleam

Love helps us through the horror
Of love lost or led astray
Through mans trespass
Or angels spirit them away

Love comes to give us comfort
And wipe away the tears
Love will shield our spirits
When Sorrow's shadow nears

Love’s light whisper
Will stifle Sorrow's gain
In life’s losses
Love is Sorrow’s bane 


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