Sunday, September 4, 2011

Soul's Longing

As the Deer panteth for the Water   by  Martin Nystrom
As the deer panteth for the water,
So my soul longeth after thee.
You alone are my hearts desire,
And I long to worship thee.
     "A river flowed from Eden to water the garden, and from there it divided to make four streams." - Genesis 2. How sweet is the sound of a trickling stream or the falling of rain drops on a window pane!  Water is a simple substance, yet it is required for sustaining all life on Earth.  One molecule of water is made up two atoms of hydrogen bonded to one atom of oxygen.  The structure and shape of this magnificent molecule provides the mechanism, matrix, and stored energy essential for moving molecules in and out of life forms supplying a pathway for life to grow, develop and transform. Think how sweetly the Holy Spirit could do the same for our souls. Just as the deer instinctively searches for quenching water sources, our souls are longing for a source to quench its thirst. Instead of lapping up the refreshing power of the Holy Spirit, we reach out to worldly things to supply nourishment to our souls. If we would only search our hearts for truth, then we would sense the presence of the Holy Spirit in close proximity to our true desires. Our pathways of worship would be transformed to support the growth and development of our souls. 

You alone are my strength my shield,
To You alone may my spirit yield.
You alone are my hearts desire,
And I long to worship thee.
     It is a known fact that humans can survive for almost a month without eating, but we will perish without water in three to five days.  This is due to our bodies being made up of about 70% water. This large amount of water is needed to maintain our bodies' temperature, breathing, digestion of food, and lubrication of moving joints.  Non-contaminated water can also support metabolism, circulation, and immune function.  Our immune systems protect us from pathogens, toxins, and parasites which invade to breakdown our defenses and cause disease.  The Holy Spirit is our shield of protection for our souls by inspiring behavior and choices which enrich our communication skills with the Heavenly Father.  Unhealthy negative energy is transformed to uplifting positive energy through reactions of love. Our souls yield to the cleansing power of the Holy Spirit which circulates supportive thoughts and emotions which makes our mind and bodies stronger. 

You’re my friend and You are my brother,
Even though you are a king.
I love you more than any other,
So much more than anything.

While we drink our eight glasses of water a day, we should remember to invite and allow the Holy Spirit to cleanse our souls. The status of our total health depends on the interconnections of our mind, body, and soul.  If the connections between these three components break down, then the natural healing power of our bodies will weaken.  Health and strength comes from our minds, bodies, and souls being able to communicate healing elements to one another.  We should choose to rely on the steadfast healing love of the King and give thanks at each sunset for the constant dependable flow of the Holy Spirit. "For I am the Lord, I do not change...." - Malachi 3:6.

 "For I will restore health to you and heal you of your wounds, " says the Lord. 
- Jeremiah 30:17
 "O Lord my God, I cried out to You, and You have healed me." 
- Psalm 30:2
May I always long for the healing power of the Holy Spirit. St. Raphael pray for us.
- little petunia

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