Tuesday, October 4, 2011


Coming down from the up of a retreat experience.....I find that life is hard.....A physical property which can be an attribute to some pieces of matter.....but I find hardness to be misgiving......devouring.....consuming. Hardness is a force that rarely changes course.....forcing you to bend to the ways of the world. Is there a way to survive the ravages of the stubborn hard properties of this world?  Those of you who have lived lives full of challenging spouses, children, careers, and other relationships know that sometimes you get to a point where you have to choose to sink or swim........you pack and run.......or your life will make the choice for you.

My life has taken me down a white rapids course where I chose to swim, but recently, I have been experiencing this all consuming feeling of drowning in currents which were out of my control and I began to sink.  My recent retreat enlightened me to the purpose of my life.....which is about letting go.....letting the currents carry me to living for others.  Prayerful methods led me to the acknowledgment that a property of my life is to be a life line for others to keep them from sinking.  God is calling me back to intercessory prayer and love.

What a surprise it was for me to hear through my meditation that as I was sinking.......drowning........that God wants me to save others from the hard perils of their lives.  I accepted this challenge with joy.  There is nothing more joyful than to realize your purpose in this world!   As this morning presented a harsh, hard eye-opening experience, a dear friend reminded me of the truth of the matter and as I was feeling the strong drowning currents of my situation, my friend's words pulled me to the surface of the wake of the white rapids.....and saved me from the perils of my thoughts and melodramatic emotions.  God used a friend whom I had been praying for a while........to save me......The words shared where life-saving.

So like a boomer-rang..........prayers and love sent out through faith will come back to you ten-fold.  It has better returns than our current economy. Soften the properties of this hard world with a few kind loving prayers and words for the people in your life. No other investment can compare.

Che Dio le grazie caduta su di voi.........dear friend.

St. Francis de Sales, pray us.
St. Theresa the little flower, pray for us.
St. Raphael, pray for us.
St. Michael, pray for us.
St. Florian, pray for all emergency responders.
Spirit of Jesus, come into our souls.

-little petunia

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