Friday, May 25, 2012

Essere Ancora

 Be still my heart; thou hast known worse than this.
- Homer

Have I known worse than this?  Well......someone else always seems to have a worse life story than mine, but when I am living through my pain....., each trial seems worse than anything else.  The extreme responding feelings are probably due to my hyper focus on my situation.  If I could only hold my focus on God's glory, strength, and power, then the fear, doubt, and uncertainty would not overwhelm my intellect and spirit. 

Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations,
I will be exalted in the earth.
- Psalm 46:10

Be still is a phrase which is found throughout the bible, in hymns, and in modern songs.  In Katharina von Schlegel's 1752 hymn, Be Still, she described the path which God may lead us as "thorny ways", yet He leads us to a joyful end. Her words advise us to bear our crosses patiently leaving the work to God for He will provide in every change.  As I read Exodus 14:13-18, I am reminded how Moses told the Israelites to not be afraid.....stand firm.......the Lord will bring deliverance today......the Lord will fight for only need to be still.  My interpretation of this verse brings to mind images of myself without fear, worry, fret, impatience, restlessness......breathing calmly and remaining quiet in mind, body, and soul.  These are hopeful images for I so desire to be this trusting of God's glory and power.  Why do I doubt?  What holds me back?  Why can I not be resigned to God's will and plan?  Why can I not live with trusting expectation of His Providence of my path? He knows my  struggles.....He knows what is going to happen before my story unfolds.  Why do I doubt His faith in me? I have been told over and over that God will not give me more than I can why do I not believe His belief in me?  Why do I fear?  Moses stated that God will deliver me.......This sounds like He will be there to save the day if I would only allow Him.  I must let go completely......remove all mental dismaying, and give Him the lead to fight the good fight.  He knows the end of my tribulations.....God is all knowing and His Providence is the best game I need to practice being still and waiting patiently for the Coach (God) to call the call my name when it is my turn to enter the playing field for His glory. 

John J. Parsons from sums up Exodus 14:14 the best.  He describes being still as meaning that we surrender to God's control for He is Ribbono Shel Olam - Master of the Universe.  We "let go" in order to know the saving power of God in our lives.  Parsons adds that we give up trusting in ourselves and our designs in order to experience the glory of God's all-sufficiency.  The Ribbono Shel Olam's game plan may involve working through the people in our lives to win the battle, or may involve the manipulation of our surroundings in ways unseen and indescribable to take out our enemies......either way.....I must remember that He is the Master, and I am His loveable purposeful creation......I need to quit making up my purpose.....Being still and holding fast will reveal His purpose for me in the game of life.....He leads me.....guides me.....He will save me from darkness. is on the way............Holdfast..........He's come to save the day........
- Mercy Me

Ribbono Shel Olam, please never give up on me.
St. Raphael, pray for me to still patience.
St. Florian, pray for the safety of all emergency responders and firefighters.
St. Gregory the Great, pray for the inspiration and courage of all teachers.
St. Francis de Sales, pray for my humility.
May the heavenly angels help us to spread the Love in our hearts to one another. Amen.
- little petunia

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