Sunday, June 3, 2012


 Blessing is the sovereign act of God, and the power of benediction like the power of God.
- John Pearson (1600's Theologian)

Brachot is the yiddish word for blessings, and blessing different daily events is a common Hebrew practice.  Most people bless their meals before they consume, and they may send blessings to loved ones for major events like baptism, confirmation, graduation, or marriage.....but what an interesting notion to recite blessings after a meal; when rising from slumber; to set the daily attitude; for God bearing our burdens and meeting our needs; or for recognizing God's sovereign power.  If we would only bless God before, during, and after our daily activities; then our focus would always be on the Trinity.  This practice could bring enlightenment and appreciation for how the "Three in One" influences the direction of our lives.

Benedizioni or blessings are considered to be anything from sacred formal prayers to asking for God's favor to good wishes to joyful praises to guarding from evil.  It is so easy to remember to ask....or beg for God's blessings during challenges, adventures, or catastrophies.....but do we remember to bless God when times are good and running smooth?  King David continuously blessed the LORD and encouraged all of Israel to do the same (Psalm 26:12). How do we bless the LORD?  Our blessings fall upon our Creator every time we recall how He guides us down our path; provided for our needs; kept us from temptation; and protected us.  We bless God when ever we thank Him for His grace and mercy, and each time we express our love to Him. Spending quality time with the LORD as your humble heart overflows with expressive thankfulness and praise also delivers blessings to His doorstep. Blessing the LORD is to be ceaseless, and not only private, but blessing the LORD should occur with other grateful hearts. (Psalm 34)

In his Sermon on the Mount, Jesus lists who are blessed (Matthew 5:3-10).  This list is referred to as the "Beatitudes".  Jesus stated that blessings will fall upon those who can live a life which fulfills the beatitudes.   To position ourselves for blessings, we must.........
  • live a selfless life with a mild cheerful manner and clean loving intentions as we practice, develop, and acquire virtuous characteristics of gentleness, charity, humility, and patience.  
  • sacrifice our desires and cheerfully accept God's plans for our lives understanding the difference
    between His sovereign power and our serving position.  
  • obtain a tender consciousness which is sensitive to the affects of sin.
  • courageously defend the defenseless while bringing peace and mercy to the weary.
  • live for the prevalence of justice in all situations even if persecution befalls us. 
Read the list again........God blesses those who bring blessings to others......We are called to live for others and not for ourselves.  We are called to open our hearts to LOVE outside ourselves.  When we LOVE God and all of His creations........When we LOVE strangers.......When we live virtuous,sinless, sacrificial, and penitence lives.......When His plans become our plans.....Our lives will be BLESSED.

Laying down our lives for others reminds of how tree bark protects the life supporting tissues called xylem and phloem.  Bark is a tree's natural armor.  It protects a tree from external threats from the environment.  The interior tissues of a tree....the cambium and heartwood are tender yet supportive just as the interior rooms of a soul are sensitive and responsive to the harsh injustices and violence of a society.  We must help one another survive society's unmercifulness such as when a spouse is laid off; a home is lost to bankruptcy; a child is lost to a drunk driver; a neighbor is wrongfully accused; or discrimination keeps someone from employment.  Lamentations 3:22-23 describes how the Lord's mercies save us from being consumed due to His unfailing faithful compassion, so as Jesus calls us to be merciful, we should be the compassionate armor for other souls.

As God is our refuge and strength (Psalm 46:1), we should be a very present help for those who are in trouble.  We are called to soften the blows of life like tannins which soften, transform, and preserve animal skin into leather.  Tannins come from the heartwood of certain very hard tree species like the red and white Quebrachos.   A Quebracho is such a hard wood that is it is named in Spanish for being an "axe breaker".   The tree's hard and soft qualities are similar to our protective and supportive traits which Jesus calls us to use.  We should find merciful and peaceful methods to break the unloving actions which cause trouble; and to support with loving arms which imitate the arms of God.  In Latin, que bracho means "and their arms".   Considering all of this......I am reminded of how our actions (arms) should be guided by our hearts (Song of Solomon 8:6) and should be protective, yet gentle and supportive as the bark of the Quebracho tree.  Our actions should be blessings for others. Que bracho benedixit. We must bless others in order to be blessed.

 May those who have crossed my path and blessed my life receive God's blessing.
May my brachos be blessings to my family, friends, and those who do not know me.
May my life be worthy of God's blessing.
May God be patient yet pleased with my virtuous efforts and brachos.
Grazie dear Lord for the seen and unseen blessings of my life.

St. Raphael, guide me to a holy life.
Blessed are those who have chosen to love me in the past, present, and future. :-)  Amen.
- little petunia

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